New from redIQ: QuickSync 2-Way Sync

About QuickSync 

QuickSync is the fastest way to populate your underwriting model. After standardizing rent rolls and financial documents with our web-based platform dataIQ, use QuickSync to seamlessly transfer the data into your Excel-based model.  With only a few clicks, you’ll effortlessly update property valuations with the most recent data. QuickSync streamlines your underwriting process to enhance accuracy and save valuable time. Use this time to strengthen relationships, revise assumptions in your model, research market conditions, or any other strategic tasks.  

About 2-Way Sync 

Our latest update introduces the powerful feature of 2-way sync, designed to keep your team aligned and informed. With -way sync, deal details flow seamlessly back to dataIQ. Deal details include deal status, expected purchase price, and over 40 other data fields. This ensures that all team members have access to the most current information, enhancing collaboration and efficiency across your entire organization. By synchronizing deal details, 2-way sync eliminates discrepancies and fosters a more cohesive workflow. 

Looking Ahead 

This release marks a significant milestone as we pave the way for full syncing capabilities. Our vision includes the ability to sync deal documents and other calculated fields, further enhancing the functionality and utility of our platform. User feedback during  this initial phase will be instrumental in shaping the development of these advanced features. We strongly encourage our users to take full advantage of 2-way sync and share their feedback. 

Furthermore, full syncing capabilities will lay the foundation for more sophisticated data-related upgrades. These advancements will enable users to make more informed decisions based on deeper insights and ultimately drive greater success in their deal management. 

Get Started 

QuickSync users can get started by reaching out to their Customer Success Manager. If you’re not yet using QuickSync, request a demo with the form below.  

Request Demo

Trusted by Over 600 Firms

redIQ is the industry-leading underwriting platform, which handles data analysis for over 600 real estate firms across the country, including small family firms and global institutions. For over ten years, redIQ has provided a comprehensive and dependable underwriting service for acquisition teams, brokers, and lenders focused on mid and large-sized assets.

With redIQ:

  • Standardize financial documents
  • Create a full evaluation
  • Connect to your existing model, or use ours
  • Compare properties
  • View aggregated market data
  • and much more

Swift Evaluations with redIQ

redIQ equips you with advanced insights to give you confidence in your investment decisions, whether you’re targeting highly competitive markets or emerging ones. The platform ensures you can swiftly move from evaluation to negotiation, maximizing your opportunities in any market condition.

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